Collection of MY-RN1 Acknowledgment Slip

### This is the next step after you submitted the Renunciation of your Malaysia citizenship ###

 2:45PM - Reached the Malaysia High Comm. Queue was snaking. Felt like baking under the Sun. Lucky I brought my umbrella. Had a chance to talk to the Malaysia kawan in Melayu. Most of them came for passport collection. I was going to Consular, unfortunately it shared the same long queue. 

3:10PM - After 25 mins in the queue, finally reached the security post. Filled ip the Health Declaration Form, exchanged pass with my Malaysia Driving License, also shown her my collection slip in red.

Proceeded to the Consular Section. Within 5 mins, I got the Acknowledgment Slip, in fact it is the MY-RN1 form itself. 



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